민주주의 포스터 프로젝트
(민주화운동기념사업회, 한국디자인사학회)
민주화운동기념관 개관 기념을 위한 ‘민주주의의 포스터 프로젝트’는 민주화 운동 및 인권에 대하여 포스터를 통해 목소리를 내는 프로젝트로, 세계의 50개 팀의 디자이너가 참여하였습니다.
굿퀘스천의 참여작은 여성 혐오와 동성애 혐오라는 이중 차별을 당하는 레즈비언의 목소리를 전하는 작업입니다. 사각형의 그리드 안에 퍼즐처럼 배치된 미완성의 이미지들이 하나로 합쳐질 때 그 이미지가 완성됩니다. 이는 성소수자도 정치적 주체로서 지위를 온전히 가져야 민주주의가 완성되어 갈 수 있다는 것을 표명합니다.
(작가 노트)
“지금까지 기록된 민주주의는 불완전 하다. 한국 민주주의 담론은 ‘어떤’ 민주주의를 ‘어떻게’ 할 것인가에 초점을 맞추어 왔지만 ‘누가’ 주체인가의 문제는 괄시했다. 2022년 고등학교 도덕 과목에서는 ‘성평등’이, 통합사회과목에서는 ‘성소수자’ 표현이 삭제되었다. 미소지니(misogyny)와 호모포비아(homophobia)로 중첩된 차별을 받고 있는 곳에서 레즈비언은 과연 민주주의를 경험하고 있을까? 중심보다는 주변부로 떠밀리는 여성들, 그중에서도 남성과 성애적 관계를 맺지 않는 레즈비언은 더욱 과소 대표되고 계속 다음 차례로 밀려나 보이지 않게 된다. 이러한 레즈비언이 정치적 주체로서 지위를 가지고 사회 전면에 나올 때, 비로소 민주주의가 완전해질 수 있다.”
This pair of posters underscore that members of sexual minorities are also political subjects. They amplify the voices of lesbians as people who face twofold discrimination in the form of misogyny and homophobia.
Incomplete images are arranged like puzzle pieces within a rectangular grid; the image is completed when those pieces are joined together.
“The current written history documenting democracy is incomplete. Discourses on democracy in South Korea have been focused on “how to” achieve “what type” of democracy, undermining the question of “who” the subjects of the democracy are. In 2022, the expressions “gender equality” and “sexual minorities” were erased from South Korea‘s high school ethics and social studies textbooks respectively. Is democracy being experienced by lesbians in this country, where discrimination takes the form of both misogyny and homophobia?
Women are marginalized as they are, and lesbians, for merely not engaging in sexual relationships with men, are further underrepresented and underprioritized to the point of invisibility. It is only when lesbians come to the fore of society as political subjects that democracy can be complete.”

This pair of posters underscore that members of sexual minorities are also political subjects. They amplify the voices of lesbians as people who face twofold discrimination in the form of misogyny and homophobia.
Incomplete images are arranged like puzzle pieces within a rectangular grid; the image is completed when those pieces are joined together.
“The current written history documenting democracy is incomplete. Discourses on democracy in South Korea have been focused on “how to” achieve “what type” of democracy, undermining the question of “who” the subjects of the democracy are. In 2022, the expressions “gender equality” and “sexual minorities” were erased from South Korea‘s high school ethics and social studies textbooks respectively. Is democracy being experienced by lesbians in this country, where discrimination takes the form of both misogyny and homophobia?
Women are marginalized as they are, and lesbians, for merely not engaging in sexual relationships with men, are further underrepresented and underprioritized to the point of invisibility. It is only when lesbians come to the fore of society as political subjects that democracy can be complete.”