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School with You
웹사이트 Website
비주얼 디자인 Visual Identity


학교 성폭력 온라인 신고센터 아이덴티티 개발과 웹사이트 디자인
Identity and website design for an online hotline for sexual violence at school

성폭력 피해를 겪은 학생 및 교직원의 대응에 도움을 되기 위한 온라인 신고센터의 아이덴티티와 웹사이트를 디자인했습니다. 

‘가상신고’는 간편한 시뮬레이션 게이밍 방식으로, 학생들의 성폭력 대응에 대한 정서적 진입 장벽을 낮추어 주는 것이 주요한 목적입니다.
삽화 아트워크에서 친근하고 만만하고 부드러운 정서를 전달하면서도, 피해자 대상화나 고정관념 재현을 경계했습니다.
과장된 감정 표현이나 구체적인 상황 묘사를 피했으며, 성별 고정관념이 드러나지 않도록 중성적인 캐릭터로 표현했습니다.

아이덴티티는 안전함을 느끼게 해주는 지붕의 모양과, 함께함을 느끼게 해주는 어깨동무 혹은 모여 있는 사람의 모양을 결합해 개발했습니다.
요소를 조합하여 여러 버전을 마련하여, 웹 이외에 영상, 교육 자료, 굿즈 등 여러 곳에 쓰일 수 있도록 했습니다.

(현재는 웹사이트 운영 종료 상태)

We have designed the identity and website of the School With You, which is a public hotline web service for students and school workers who have suffered sexual violence.

Mainly, the reporting simulation lowers students' emotional barriers to responding to sexual violence by the simple gaming method.
In developing illustration artwork, we were careful not to use exaggerated emotional expressions and detailed situation descriptions to prevent victimization and objectifying victims. Also, we were careful not to use images under gender stereotypes and misogyny.

The identity motif combines the shape of a roof, which makes you feel safe, with the shape of arms around other's shoulders, which makes you feel together. 
We also set several lock-ups by combining elements to apply them in different cases, such as videos, educational materials, and goods, in addition to the website.

(Currently, the service is closed down)

We have designed the identity and website of the School With You, which is a public hotline web service for students and school workers who have suffered sexual violence.

Mainly, the reporting simulation lowers students' emotional barriers to responding to sexual violence by the simple gaming method.
In developing illustration artwork, we were careful not to use exaggerated emotional expressions and detailed situation descriptions to prevent victimization and objectifying victims. Also, we were careful not to use images under gender stereotypes and misogyny.

The identity motif combines the shape of a roof, which makes you feel safe, with the shape of arms around other's shoulders, which makes you feel together. 
We also set several lock-ups by combining elements to apply them in different cases, such as videos, educational materials, and goods, in addition to the website.

(Currently, the service is closed down)

아이덴티티 디자인
Identity Design

웹사이트 디자인
Website Design

We have designed the identity and website of the School With You, which is a public hotline web service for students and school workers who have suffered sexual violence.

Mainly, the reporting simulation lowers students' emotional barriers to responding to sexual violence by the simple gaming method.
In developing illustration artwork, we were careful not to use exaggerated emotional expressions and detailed situation descriptions to prevent victimization and objectifying victims. Also, we were careful not to use images under gender stereotypes and misogyny.

The identity motif combines the shape of a roof, which makes you feel safe, with the shape of arms around other's shoulders, which makes you feel together. 
We also set several lock-ups by combining elements to apply them in different cases, such as videos, educational materials, and goods, in addition to the website.

(Currently, the service is closed down)

웹디자인 및 아이덴티티 개발: 우유니
아트워크 제작 도움: 신선아, 양으뜸
퍼블리싱 도움: 윤연
제작: 서울특별시교육청콘텐츠
개발: 아하 서울시립청소년성문화센터
웹사이트 프로젝트 매니징: 창작집단3355
협력 및 영상 제작: 필름고모리
개발: 가치브라더